Meeting strangers hasn’t ever been a big deal and I don’t think its a difficult thing to do. Infact, I’d say its easy cause the person/people you’re meeting don’t actually know you. You have it in your power to form an impression which may possibly be different from the one you’ve made up back with your friends, family and the society in general. This of course is useful only if you know yourself well. Now, I know that hiding what you actually are isn’t the correct way of living your life and it can prove costly later on. The thing here is, you don’t need to necassarily hide parts of you. In my humble opinion, choosing not to unpack information you don’t quite want to share about yourself is something you can do and that shouldn’t be classified as a lie. Its just being smart at the right time. The catch here is, don’t make yourself look worse off than what you already are. Easier then, just be yourself! I was just rambling.

So I met a stranger recently. Well, not really a stranger, but someone I did not know much about. During times like these you have to agree that changes are as welcome as air when you can’t breathe. Meeting new people is an important part of your life cause the more people you meet, the more friends you make. Every stranger you meet won’t exactly end up being your friend. Frequencies should match and then the magical magic bond called friendship should happen and in my case, this takes time. Add to this, my recent encounters with friendship and friends overall hasn’t been quite memorable and I’d like to get over that chapter of my life as soon as possible.

I wouldn’t want to describe much about the episode, but then I wanted to everyone to make note of key facts about life:

  • Don’t be timid and sit at home, it brings you nothing.
  • You can’t hide from the world, you’re a part of it.
  • Meeting new people is fun – go for it!
  • The auto-guys in Bangalore are the meanest people in the world, try walking.
  • Do not eat food that hasn’t been covered and has small insects hovering above them.
  • Green on blue might not be the best choice of colors, people might think its a uniform.
  • Expensive flats in posh localities make you feel good! Ohh yeah.

Uhm, meeting this new friend and talking on a variety of subjects somehow seemed to do me a world of good and I feel better by the day. She was kind enough to introduce me to a couple of her friends too and show me around her place, which I must say rocked. I guess thats the reason she wanted to show it off in the first place. I mean, I never thought about that side of town. I thought it was some sort of a post apocalyptic wasteland and there’d be no one there. So within a span of 4 hours I was in the midst of total strangers. One stranger and her friends. Now, usually, I wouldn’t tag along; but then in this case, she’s a warm person and her invite was sincere. All in all, I had a pretty good time and I’m happy I did this fun activity.

Rick Wright passed away on the 15th of September and well, I guess, slowly but steadily we’ll start getting news about these greats passing away. Rick was instrumentally involved with the music of Pink Floyd from the time of Syd Barett and its just sad that he’s no more. He was a self-taught pianist, they say and he was a very important part of the band. Its sad that he’s no more. May his soul RIP. So I’ve got class tomorrow and I think we’d be wrapping up with play writing by tomorrow. I’m tired for now, sleep time! Peace out.


Meeting strangers.

3 thoughts on “Meeting strangers.

  • September 21, 2008 at 6:28 am

    Look who is advicing ppl to go out and not sit at home 😛
    neways.. good 4 u 😀

  • September 26, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    “Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift.”
    So it’s all about meeting new people ….Have Fun !!

  • September 26, 2008 at 11:45 pm

    Hehe, god knows re! Maybe there’s someone in my old list of people I’ve missed out, you know?


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